Entando Integration with Mosaic 9 framework

Hello to all,

Can I integrate and use Mosaic 9 micro frontend framework along with the Entando 6.3 platform ?


Hey, Sanjeeb.

I haven’t heard it discussed much. As I understand it some of the key Mosaic9 components are now available in Kubernetes (e.g Skipper, Innkeeper -> Ingresses) or current frontend frameworks (e.g. Shaker -> React, Angular, Vue). Others are provided by Entando itself (e.g. Tailor -> Entando App Engine, Quilt -> Entando’s various templating options including Page Templates, Content Templates, all available via APIs). You could certainly make use of Entando APIs to pull Entando functionality into a Mosaic9 application (or vice versa) but, personal opinion, if I was starting a new project I probably wouldn’t choose to mix the two just because there’s a lot of overlap.

Hope that helps,

Thanks Nathan for your reply, our prospective customer is inclined towards Mosaic 9 and we are pushing them for the Entando 6.3. just wanted to clarify if we build MFEs with Mosaic 9 framework is t possible to push it into Estando platform.

Thanks once again.


Hi, Sanjeeb.

Ah, interesting. At the microfrontend level it would depend on how they are built. If they use a standard custom element/web component style then that definitely should be feasible. Our tutorials show what it takes to deploy a React or Angular app into Entando, e.g. https://dev.entando.org/v6.3/tutorials/micro-frontends/react.html. If Mosiac9 MFEs follow the standards, I can’t think why you couldn’t do the same. Testing that out shouldn’t be too hard and if you run into snags just reach out to us here or on the community slack.


Thanks for your reply, It will help us.
