Can I create custom technology MS/MFE

We are trying to understand if entando is enough flexible for our projects. For what I’ve understood reading the documentation, it uses jhipster to seeding the project. I don’t know jhipster very well, I’d prefer to use vue as MFE and golang as BE in our projects. Is it doable or only spring boot/react managed by jhipster can be choosen? Can you point me to some documentation pages explaining how to do it? Thank you!

Hi, @arjun. Entando is a JHipster partner and we find it useful for many projects but you can use your own preferred technologies. I can point you to a couple examples.

What I might suggest is using the vue template as your starting point and then swap in your golang implementation in place of the java MS, with corresponding updates to the scripts used by the CLI.

Hope that helps,
Nathan thanks I’ll try

Hi @arjun, I’ve created a bundle seed project with react MFE and golang MS. You can find it there:
Remember to install the ent CLI as specified in and link it to your platform using a profile:

The golang MS is exposing REST api (gorillamux) controlled by the platform IDP security domain. The open api contract is included.

Check the readme for how to using it.


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Thank you @germanogiudici!